Published on the 20th September 2016
Common Driving Mistakes
Reading Time: 3 min read

Have you ever caught yourself making a mistake while driving? Or spotted another driver not following the rules of the road? Sometimes it’s these small mistakes that lead you to use your car insurance. Here’s a look at the most common mistakes people make whilst driving.
Paying Attention
Whether it’s your thoughts drifting off to something that happened during your day, or playing around on your phone or keeping the kids quiet in the back seat – distractions whilst driving are the top cause of accidents on the road.
Focusing on other things, aside from driving and keeping your eyes on the road is something many drivers do, making it a very common mistake even amongst the most experienced of drivers. Always remember that being distracted is as harmful for you as it is for others so always make sure that you’re focused on the task at hand whilst driving.
Let’s be honest Maltese parking spaces aren’t exactly the widest parking spaces in the world. Parking correctly, especially in a parallel space, isn’t something many drivers can do well making it a common driving mistake among many.
Regularly hitting the curb whilst you’re parking can result in tire damage and even increases your chance of getting a flat tire. So next time you’re parking take your time and don’t forget to use your mirrors.
Driving on Wet Roads
It’s not driving on wet roads that’s the problem it’s the way people drive when it rains. Always remember to slow down, no matter how much of a rush you’re in, since driving carelessly on wet roads can cause serious harm to you and of course other drivers on the road.
Always remember that wet roads are slippery so if the top speed you should be hitting in an area is 60 then aim for less than that.
Adjusting your car
Mirrors, seats, seat belts, and steering wheels all need to be adjusted when you get in the car. This will help you drive more comfortably, enable you to see better, and you’ll also be safer in the event of a crash. You should also adjust how close or far away you sit to the steering wheel.
You don’t want to sit much more than 10 inches away from your steering wheel, but you also don’t want to be closer than eight inches from it so that you minimise your risk of injury if your airbag deploys.
Driving can be enjoyable for some and stressful for others, no matter what category you fall under keep yourself protected by avoiding these common mistakes and insuring your car with one of our car insurance packages.