Published on the 9th October 2017
How to Cope with Stress
Reading Time: 3 min read

We all know this feeling, having that amount of insurmountable stress that we can’t even think clearly anymore. Because of our work or home situation, we often end up subject to this stress. Some of the most common reasons for stress include feeling unhappy with your job, financial stress, or emotional problems.
These causes can be solved by knowing how to cope with your stress. We have put some tips together that might help you with your daily issues.
Get Enough Sleep
An adult needs to have between 7 – 8 hours of sleep per night. Sometimes it can be hard to achieve this because stress interrupts our sleep, because of all the overthinking and thoughts whirling in our heads. Make sure your bedroom is a silent place, where you have no reminders of work so that you will sleep better.
Learn to Say ‘’No’’
A common way to get stressed out is that you have more to do than you can handle. People ask you on the work floor if you can manage some things for them, and you will probably always say ‘’yes, sure!’’, but you probably wouldn’t want to. Don’t be afraid of having a conflict, or thinking that your colleagues will not like you any longer when saying ‘’no’’ to unimportant requests. It will help you to develop more self-confidence, and it will reduce your stress level.
Keep a Stress Diary
By writing down your daily issues, it will help you to become more aware of the situations that you are in. This can help you change your lifestyle and see things more clearly.
Try to Relax More
You can often take a break from your daily job or your household and try to do some self-meditation. It will help to give you more perspectives, and it will quiet your mind from any negative thoughts. This will help you start dealing with stress more effectively.
These are essential oils that come from natural sources like flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of plants. They can help you to relax and set your mind at ease. Lavender oil is a great oil for relaxation when you are having issues with stress or sleeping.
Set Boundaries
Keep your work and your private life separate from each other. Do not bring any work issues home, this will have a big influence on your daily life.
Don’t ever let stress take over your life. The team at GasanMamo Insurance sincerely hope these tips will help you start to learn how to cope with stress a little better.