Published on the 22nd February 2024
Does Home Insurance Cover Air Conditioning Units?
Reading Time: 6 min read

Air conditioning units are subject to specific terms and conditions should it come to making a claim. Should anything untoward happen to your device(s), it’s essential to know your rights before contacting your insurer. From a unit’s age to its condition and the causes behind any damage, let’s take an in-depth look at navigating the world of A/C insurance. For your air conditioning unit to be covered by a home insurance policy with GasanMamo, it will be covered through ‘buildings insurance’, which is an automatic extension of our wider home insurance policy.
- When are Air Conditioning Units Covered by Home Insurance?
- When are Air Conditioning Units NOT Covered by Home Insurance?
- Claiming on Homeowner’s Insurance for a Broken A/C Unit
When are Air Conditioning Units Covered by Home Insurance?
There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to what your home insurance covers. You should clarify anything you’re unsure about with your insurer. Air conditioning units, whether an indoor unit to improve indoor air quality or an outdoor unit, are used for heating and ventilating a home – having one can make a real difference in your living space during various weather conditions. Our coverage for air conditioning units falls under ‘building insurance, ‘ which is an automatic extension of our wider home insurance policy. You can find more about what separates building insurance and contents insurance here.
Looking after your unit is important; however, as a general rule, the following eventualities will cover air conditioner units and energy-saving equipment:
Weather Damage
A home insurance policy will cover most damage caused by storms and high winds. However, faults caused by flooding are generally an exception. As they’re considered a permanent fixture in your home, the average air conditioner model will be listed under building insurance and so receive the same legal cover as your walls, doors, and windows.
Falling Objects
A falling tree, lamppost, or telegraph pole can potentially damage an external wall and anything attached to its inside. An air-conditioner unit would be covered in most eventualities.
Homeowner’s insurance generally covers deliberate damage caused by other persons. But, you’ll likely need to file a police report and have an incident number to hand.
Should a fire ravage your home, building insurance should cover the cost of rebuilding or repairing the property, including the cost of A/C replacement. Contents insurance will compensate you for personal belongings.
The issue of precisely what an individual is covered for is a complex one. Find out more with our post on Does Home Insurance Cover Structural Damage?
When are Air Conditioning Units NOT Covered by Home Insurance?
As a general rule, air conditioner models will not be covered by home insurance for any incidents that are deemed to be your fault or damage that can be attributed to the march of time:
Old Age
All things have a shelf-life, and an air-conditioner unit with an innings of a decade or more has reached its natural end. Insurance companies won’t pay out for units that have ceased functioning due to vintage alone. The most commonly used types of units can last up to 15 years, but much depends on how they’re maintained and how often they’re used.

Wear and Tear
Similarly to age, ‘wear and tear’ is rarely – if ever – covered by an insurance policy. The term describes the process that occurs to most entities over time, be they people, carpets, China tea sets, roofs, walls, or A/C units.
A homeowner is responsible for maintaining their property to safe living standards. Any problems that occur as a result of neglect will not be covered under an insurance policy. Regular checks and maintenance ensure longevity and delay the inevitable consequences of wear and tear for as long as possible.
Accidents and Personal Damage
Should one of your in-house cartwheels damage your unit or a game of indoor catch with the family beagle go awry, a standard insurance policy won’t cover A/C repairs or a replacement.
However, some insurance policies will cover you for mishaps. Read through our article on Accidental Damage Cover: Which Insurance is For Me? for full information.
Claiming on Homeowner’s Insurance for a Broken A/C Unit
If your unit falters for one of the covered reasons listed above, you’ll have every right to claim with your insurer. After all, you’ll have been paying a premium for months or years to guard against this scenario.
However, when it comes to an A/C unit – or indeed any other electrical item – it’s worth making a few calculations before putting your claim forward. If replacing your air-conditioning unit will cost less than a policy’s deductible amount, it may be more cost-effective to pay for repairs/replacement, rather than claim on insurance.
Should a claim be financially worthwhile, then detail is key. List the finer points of your machine, including its year of installation, serial number, and receipts if you have them.
Note down the date and time that the damage occurred if weather, fire, or falling objects were to blame. Add the details of your police report if the damage was caused by vandalism. If any of the unit has survived, take pictures of any visible impairment.
Once a claim has been made, your insurer will review all of the details included. In certain cases, a representative from your insurance company may visit your property to analyse the situation, but many claims can be dealt with off-site.
Buyer’s Warranty
If your A/C unit is relatively new, you should firstly double-check whether it’s still covered under your buyer’s warranty. This is the time the maker or seller sets to fix or replace things within a certain period. Your unit may be covered under such a ruling, meaning you won’t need to make an insurance claim whatsoever.
The issue of insuring specific items can be a complicated one. When it comes to claiming for replacement air conditioning units – or indeed any electrical item of note – much will depend on its age, condition, and the factors behind any damage caused. Regarding your building and contents, the best approach is to keep everything well-maintained from year-to-year. You should also double-check anything you’re unsure of with your policy holder.
Begin your own search for the right plan by looking through our clear and transparent benefits on our home insurance page.
GasanMamo Insurance is authorised under the Insurance Business Act and regulated by the MFSA.