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Published on the 6th March 2017

Employee Interview: Tyrone Demanuele

Reading Time: 5 min read

Employee Interview: Tyrone Demanuele

Tyrone Demanuele, 54, has been working with GasanMamo Insurance as a Branch Manager at the GasanMamo Birkirkara Branch for these last 31 years. We caught up with Tyrone and asked him some questions.

Q: If I had to ask you, who is Tyrone Demanuele how can you sum that up?

A: Tough question! I would say Jack of all trades, master of none.  I take an interest in a variety of things and would try anything once.

Q: Glass half empty or half full?

A: 100% half full

Q: One thing that comes to mind if I had to ask you what a great year it’s been for you?

A: I have changed one basic thing that brought me a lot of unhappiness in the past, that of taking too much notice of what people think about me. Not anymore. I am who I am.

Q: What does your hobby give you? How does it pay off?

A: I have never really had a hobby.  For the last two years I got into kayaking and I love it.  Exploring the Maltese coastline, caves and I have also recently even visited Filfla for the first time.  I was involved in local football administration at club level.  I found it interesting also and did it for 17 years.  It has now become too time consuming, so I had to hang my boots!

Q: How much time do you invest in it and is it worth it?

A: I kayak at the weekend and the time varies however it gives me so much satisfaction that I would like to give it more time.

Q: Anyone in your family that shares your same passion?

A: Yes, my partner

Q: How would your life be different if you could not do what you love?

A: I suppose I would find something else to do! Jack of all trades remember!?

Q: Any interesting things related to your life passion? For e.g. I also met my wife whilst we were playing tennis, or all the family attends to tennis classes together etc. 

A: It gives us something else that is “different” to do together. The advantages with kayaking is that you can go to places that aren’t accessible on foot or with a larger craft. Coral Cave at Armier is a point in question.

Q: How did you start kayaking and what got you involved in Football Administration? 

A: 17 years ago I was approached to help out in administration in my local Gzira United Football Club.  I started off as a common member and went on to serve as Secretary for 15 years and President for two.  Kayaking was introduced to me by a friend.  I thought at my age it would be tiring, but on the contrary it’s very relaxing.

Q: What is your life ambition? Is it related to your life passion or other?

A: To retire financially and be comfortable.  With retirement on the horizon, I often think how life would be without the routine I have had for the last 31 years!  My job has become a huge part of me and I cannot imagine myself doing anything else.

Q: What did working in the insurance business teach you? 

A: A lot!  Having to deal with different people from all walks of life with different wants & needs has made me a better person.  It is my pleasure and very satisfying when you help a client who has suffered a loss.  My job puts a huge responsibility on me to see that a client who has suffered a loss is put back on track in the shortest time possible.

Q: Is there anything you are afraid of?

A: Death, heights oh yes, and bats!

Q: If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do? 

A: Travel to places I haven’t been to and do the clearing up that I have accumulated over the years.

Q: Favourite quote?

A: “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” ― Maya Angelou

Q: Select one person from history and have them truthfully answer one question, who would you select and what is the question?

A: Neil Armstrong:  What went through your head when you became the first man to walk on the moon?

Q: Ugly and live forever, or attractive and die in a year?

A: None. Who wants to live forever!?

Q: If you could have anyone locked in a room so that you could mentor them for a day, who would you choose and how would you mentor them? 

A: World leaders, and I would try to bring them down to earth and explain how important every decision that they make is.

Q: If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do? 

A: Some filthy rich person so that I can enjoy and feel what’s it like to live for a while with no money worries oh yes, and drive nice cars!

Q: If you had a chance for a ‘do-over’ in life, what would you do differently?

A: I would have invested heavily in the building business.