Published on the 6th September 2016
GasanMamo’s Back to School Guide
Reading Time: 3 min read

Summer is almost over and back-to-school preparations are in full swing. Going back to school after a great summer is always tough, that’s why we’ve come up with a guide to help you adjust to going back to school life as easily as possible.
The Morning Routine
Summer holidays mean big changes to the usual morning routine – and for many children, there’s no fixed wake-up time and even their night-time curfew is relaxed.
Before getting back into the school routine it would be a good idea to start being stricter with curfew time as well as adjusting your mornings similar to school mornings – even if that means rushing. Introducing the routine slowly means that by the end of September, your children won’t find it as hard to adjust to the morning madness that a new academic year brings with it.
Uniform need tailoring? Low on stationery? Before you go back to school shopping make sure you have a look through items from the previous scholastic year to check whether anything can be reused.
Once you’ve had a look at what you have it’s time to list down what you need – now would also be a great time to see whether you can buy any school books or maybe even school uniforms from second-hand suppliers.
Back-to-School Anxiety
Back-to-school blues can leave children feeling quite sad and anxious about starting a new academic year – this is especially true if they’re starting a new school or maybe even school for the first time.
Encouraging your child to talk about their fears and worries about going back to school is a great way to help them share their burden. Involving them in back-to-school shopping and encouraging them to get their school bag and items organised can also help ease the difficulty that changes to routine can bring.
And if you’re a teacher
After spending a summer relaxing and also doing your part to make sure all lesson plans are done going back to school and seeing new faces can be quite exciting. As all teachers know preparation is a big part of the job and that’s why it’s important to give yourself enough time to prepare for a new school year. During the first few days or weeks of a new school year, both you and the class are getting used to each other so it’s important to start your year the way you intend to continue it and set the tone for the procedures, expectations and goals for your class.
Lastly, keep yourself and your family covered with GasanMamo’s health insurance. We wish you the best of luck in the new scholastic year!