Getting a flat tyre is always a hassle, especially when you consider that flat tyres always seem to happen at the most inconvenient time. Instead of waiting for someone to change a flat tyre on your car, you can easily learn how to do it yourself and save the time of waiting for someone else.
Be Prepared
This step comes before realising that you have a flat tyre, but it is important to always carry an emergency kit in your car to make sure that you’re well prepared for anything that might go wrong. Keeping a good torch, some basic tools and gloves are all you need to make sure you’re well prepared to change a flat tyre.
Pull Over
If you have a flat tyre don’t just stop in the middle of the road to change it. Pulling to the side of the road ensures that you’re not in anyone’s way and you’ll still have enough space to change your tyre. Choosing a flat spot it also important as jacking up a car on a hill will make the job of changing a flat tyre far more difficult. It’s also good practice to turn on your hazard lights to make other cars aware of what’s happening.
Check the Spare
Before removing your flat tyre you should have a look at your spare. If your spare is flat then there isn’t much point in continuing. In the case that your spare tyre is also flat you will need to call roadside assistance to help you change your tyre. Similarly, have a look at the tools and make sure that none of them is missing, if you do have missing tools you probably won’t be able to change your tyre yourself and will need the help of roadside assistance.
Change your tyre
Firstly you must use the jack to lift the car in a way that ensures that the wheel is off the ground. Once the car is lifted, keep the wheel in place and remove the tyre’s nuts and bolts, leaving the top ones for last so that you’ll be able to use both hands to remove the wheel from the hub. Once the tyre is removed you can fit in the spare by reversing the process of changing the flat tyre. Make sure that the car is lowered to make contact with the ground before tightening the wheel nuts.
Before Driving Off
Make sure that the damaged tyre is stored away in the car’s boot and is replaced as soon as possible. Also, it’s important to adjust and check the tyre pressure of the new tyre as soon as possible. For everything else, GasanMamo car insurance has you covered!