October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month known as Pink October, charities and companies all over the world do their part to raise awareness and raise funds to help beat breast cancer. At GasanMamo Insurance we know how tough living with breast cancer is that’s why we’re showing our support in any way we can. In this week’s blog we take a look at breast cancer, to help raise awareness and encourage women to check themselves before it’s too late.
Risk Factors
The three main risk factors are age, family and sex. Although men also get breast cancer, this is a very small portion of the population when compared to women. Therefore, being a woman is the single largest risk factor associated with developing breast cancer. 80% of breast cancer occur amongst women over the age of 50, whilst men who do develop breast cancer do so after the age of 60. The older the person the higher the risk of developing breast cancer. When it comes to genetics 5% of breast cancer cases are related to inherited genetics, therefore a small proportion of the population are more at risk of developing breast cancer because of their family history.
Symptoms and Signs
Knowing the symptoms is the first step to detecting whether or not you have breast cancer. To detect these changes, it is suggested that all women over the age of 20 conduct a breast self-exams. These exams don’t take a long time to perform, but will help women identify symptoms that could be linked to breast cancer. Symptoms of breast cancer include: a change in how the breast or nipple feels and appears as well as any discharge that is coming from the nipples. Looking out for these symptoms however isn’t enough unless you’re familiar with your breasts.
Conducting a Breast Self-Exam
A breast self-exam, also known as a BSE, is a quick check up that will help women identify whether or not that they have any signs that could be linked to breast cancer. Ideally a BSE is done by all women over the age of 20 every month right after menstruation. Looking at a mirror is a great way to start a BSE as this will help you spot any changes to your breasts shape, size and colour. Whilst looking at a mirror raise your arms and keep your eye out for any changes mentioned above. The next step of a BSE involves lying down to feel your breast for any lumps. Use small circular motions to check the entire breast area which starts from your collarbone, underarms and to the top of your abdomen. Finally stand up or sit down and feel your breast using the same hand movements mentioned above. If you notice any lumps or if something doesn’t feel quite right, it’s best to contact your doctor to put your mind at rest.
If you’re over the age of 40, apart from conducting a monthly BSE, regular screening mammograms are recommended. Mammograms are suggested since they can find changes that are too small to be felt though a BSE.
If you’d like to learn more about breast cancer visit: https://www.actionforbreastcancer.com/
GasanMamo Health Insurance
Should you require further help or specialist help the health insurance policies provided by GasanMamo Insurance will support you along the way. If you need more information about the health insurance policies visit https://www.gasanmamo.com/personal/health-insurance/