The Company
GasanMamo is one of Malta’s leading insurance companies, providing competitively priced insurance products for both personal and commercial clients. At GasanMamo we firmly believe that the only way to build and maintain successful long-term relationships with our customers is to provide the best possible service at all times. The standard that we set for ourselves is of unwavering promptness, efficiency and professionalism, delivered by a highly capable and well-trained team of staff. Find out more about us.
Long History
We can trace our long history all the way back to 1947, and since then, the customer has always been at the heart of everything we do. Our evolution into a fully-fledged insurance company occurred when we received our license in January 2003.
Going that Extra Mile
We go that extra mile to exceed expectations and ensure the most exacting levels of commitment and competence from the Board of Directors, to our management team and staff at large. A unique combination of technical and academic knowledge together with experience which is present in our organisation is what defines our approach to business.
Customer Value is Key to Everything
Customer value is of paramount importance in today’s world, so we continuously strive to seek out options to maximise it by keeping our premiums as low as possible while providing service that is in line with the high standards we set ourselves. We monitor the levels of service we give our clients through taking customer feedback into our deepest consideration and using it constructively as we constantly try to improve. We are proud to be GasanMamo and eager to solidify our reputation as a quality insurance provider.
Further Information
GasanMamo Insurance Limited is authorised to carry on business of insurance in Malta in terms of the Insurance Business Act 1998, regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority. Company Registration Number: C3143