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Published on the 27th May 2019

Another Successful Team Building Event

Reading Time: 2 min read

Another Successful Team Building Event

Teams and teamwork have become a central part of our work life and are vital in any working company to make the organization a better place to work. It goes a long way in cultivating professional relations, understanding and collaboration, and undeniably this is replicated in the quality of work being done. One of Malta’s leading Insurance companies, GasanMamo, determinedly believes that a team building event can contribute towards staff members being more inspired, self-assured and trustworthy, resulting in an increase in productivity and efficiency.

On Sunday, 5th May, several employees from GasanMamo gathered at Ta’ Qali Park to try two new sports, the Arrow Tag and Beer Goggle Football. This event was once more organised by the social activity group of GasanMamo, and undoubtedly this successful event was another good example of team building with the aim of improving communication between employees.

Those who participated in the arrow tag enjoyed the session to the full as every team member, throughout the course of this competition, battled across arrow tag game variations. Moreover, everyone was impressed with how safe and fun archery can be. Likewise, those who played Beer Goggle Football were overwhelmed by the new revolutionary and ridiculously funny game that brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘Beer Goggles’. For this game, the employees wore goggles that either made the ball seem x10 closer or x10 further away. At the end of the two enjoyable events, the employees ended the afternoon relishing nature whilst having a picnic.

A company spokesperson said that GasanMamo believes that such team-building event initiatives were another way to facilitate bonding among team members, reduce stress, and give them the chance to get to know each other outside the office environment.