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On Saturday, 29th March 2025, our Motor Department (Gżira) will be open from 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Other branches: 9 AM – 1 PM (Mosta: opening also 1:30 PM – 6 PM). Mrieħel open from 9AM – 12PM. Valletta closed.  Thank you 

Published on the 19th March 2020

Continuity of Service

Reading Time: 3 min read

Għażiż/a klijent/a

Ippjanar għall-kontinwita’ ta’ Servizz – Covid-19

Bħalissa l-ħsieb tagħna huwa ma’ dawk il-familji u negozji li saħħithom ġiet milquta minn dan il-virus COVID-19.  Nittamaw li tegħlbu din is-sitwazzjoni u tgħixu f’ambjent b’saħħtu.

L-intenzjoni tagħna ser tibqa’ li nagħtu priorità lis-saħħa u l-benesseri tal-impjegati, il-klijenti u l-impjegati tagħhom. F’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat ħadna ħafna miżuri u minn nhar it-Tnejn li għadda bdejna noperaw kemm mid-dar u kif ukoll mill-uffiċċji tagħna, fejn l-impjegati kienu qed jaqdu l-klijenti bil-bibien magħluqa.

Sfortunatament, is-sitwazzjoni fil-pajjiż baqgħet tiggrava u għalhekk ħadna d-deċiżjoni li minn nhar it-Tnejn 23 ta’ Marzu, l-uffiċini kollha ta’ GasanMamo ħa jkunu magħluqin u ser nkunu qegħdin naħdmu mid-djar tagħna.  Tistgħu tikkuntattjawna bħal dejjem fuq in-numru tat-telefown tagħna 2134 5123 jew bl-imejl [email protected] jew fuq iċ-ċatt tagħna minn fuq il-websajt Għamilna ċert lis-sistemi elettroniċi kollha qed jaħdmu kif suppost biex nagħtukom is-servizz mistħoqq.  Nitolbukom tkunu ftit paċenzjużi f’każ ta’ xi dewmien.

F’din is-sitwazzjoni ta’ emerġenza nixtieq nassigurakom li bħal qatt qabel, aħna preparati u lesti biex inkunu ta’ servizz għalikom.

Aħna fiduċjużi li dan iż-żmien ikrah jgħaddi u bħala pajjiz, nerġgħu nkunu fuq saqajna f’qasir żmien.

Dejjem tagħkom
Għal GasanMamo Insurance Ltd


Dear Client

Continuity of Service – Covid-19 Business Continuity Planning

Our thoughts are with all those families and businesses who have had their health affected by the spread of COVID-19. We sincerely hope that you are able to manage the current environment safely and effectively.

Our approach and continuity of service remains prioritising the safety and wellbeing of our staff, our clients and our clients’ employees. A series of measures have been taken over the past weeks whereby social distancing was enhanced and from last Monday we have been operating with a mix of staff working from home and staff working in our offices behind closed doors. As the situation has continued to escalate, it has been decided that from Monday 23rd March, GasanMamo Insurance offices will be closed and all staff will be operating remotely. You may contact us in the normal manner, except for visiting our premises. All encounters will be via telephone on 2134 5123, email on [email protected] or on our web chat on where necessary. Systems are in place to make this as seamless as possible, although we ask you to bear with us should you encounter slight delays.

The vast majority of our services will be available and remain at the end of a phone or email as well as the extensive online facilities available through In these extraordinary times, I would like to provide comfort to clients that we are here and remain at your service.

We are confident that these dark clouds will pass and as a country we will be on the road to recovery before long.

Yours sincerely
For GasanMamo Insurance Ltd

Julian Mamo
Managing Director