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Published on the 5th September 2016

Our Employees: Meet Anna Camilleri

Reading Time: 2 min read

Our Employees: Meet Anna Camilleri

Anna Camilleri has been with GasanMamo for these past 33 years and is a Branch Manager at the Mellieħa Branch. We caught up with Anna and asked her some interesting questions.

Q. If I had to ask you, who is Anna Camilleri, how can you sum that up?

A. Helpful, sensitive and a positive thinker

Q. Glass half empty or half full?

A. Half empty – depending on situations

Q. One thing that comes to mind if I had to ask you what a great year it’s been for you?

A. Long Vacation

Q. What does your hobby give you? How does it pay off?

A. No time for hobby at present time- but definitely playing the guitar

Q. How much time do you invest in it and is it worth it?

A. Not much time because of long working hours

Q. Anyone in your family that shares your same passion?


Q. How would your life be different if you could not do what you love?

A. Disastrous

Q. What is your life ambition? Is it related to your life passion or other?

A. Yes- play in a band

Q. What did working in the insurance business teach you?

A. To be patient and understanding.

Q. Is there anything you are afraid of?

A. Death

Q. If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?

A. Social work

Q. Favourite quote?

A. Live Love Laugh

Q. Select one person from history and have them truthfully answer one question, who would you select and what is the question?

A. Mother Theresa- where did you get your courage from?

Q. Ugly and live forever, or attractive and die in a year?

A. Ugly and live forever

Q. If you could have anyone locked in a room so that you could mentor them for a day, whom would you choose ad how would you mentor them?

A. A close friend who is a RACIST.

Q. If you had a chance for a ‘do-over’ in life, what would you do differently?

A. not worry too much and take life much easier.