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Published on the 29th July 2016

Employees Proud to be part of GasanMamo Insurance

Reading Time: 2 min read

Employees Proud to be part of GasanMamo Insurance

As part of their on-going activities to enhance the experience of their employees and to celebrate their achievement at the work place, GasanMamo Insurance recently organised a fun day for all staff members. The theme of this year’s GasanMamo Day was “Pride and Performance”.

Pride and Performance

The event kicked off at 18:00 at their meeting point at Maria Rosa Wine Estate in Attard, whereby everyone headed off to Mdina and then divided into 15 teams. The team building challenges started off with an iPad treasure hunt in the old capital itself. The teams took photos and videos of their respective team members impersonating funny scenes around Mdina and the outskirts of Rabat and answered several questions about the history of the old capital. As always, this meant that teamwork had to be put at the forefront of the activity with success, and everyone focusing at the task at hand for the evening.

Following the treasure hunt, the teams headed back to Maria Rosa Wine Estate for an exclusive party, during which a number of employees were recognised for their long service to the company.

“The objective for the GasanMamo Day was multilateral – employees being proud to work for GasanMamo and praising their performance,” said Julian J. Mamo, Managing Director at GasanMamo Insurance. “We believe that through such activities, staff members are encouraged to retain their passion and enthusiasm as well as improve teamwork and increase group effectiveness.”

The winning team of the treasure hunt was made up of Kelly Azzopardi, Daniela Hollier, Audrey Gatt
Mark Mamo, George Portelli Hale and Giovanni Cortis.

About GasanMamo Insurance

Able to trace its roots all the way back to 1947, GasanMamo Insurance is one of Malta’s leading insurance companies providing competitively priced and a different range of insurance cover types, from car insurance and boat insurance to home insurance and health insurance for both personal and commercial clients through the Maltese Islands. The company recognises the importance of customer value and ensures that it maximizes value by keeping premiums as low as possible, yet maintaining the correct balance to provide service that meets the standards set by the company. Corporate Social Responsibility makes a big part of how GasanMamo Insurance goes about business. The company believes that giving back to people and communities is their duty and serves to enrich lives across the board.