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Published on the 18th February 2015

GasanMamo Insurance commits to rugby once again

Reading Time: 2 min read

GasanMamo Insurance commits to rugby once again

GasanMamo Insurance has recently signed a sponsorship agreement for three years with the Malta Rugby Football Union. This sponsorship is one of many which help the community develop further through sports.

Mark Mamo’s Thoughts

“We have supported the MRFU for quite a while now and have mainly put our efforts towards youth rugby. Rugby has now become very familiar with Maltese children and we have decided to shift our focus to the MRFU in general. We have been committed to make this sport a mainstream sport in Malta for quite a while now and we belief that through our continued support and through this new agreement we will definitely continue to achieve this goal,” said Mark Mamo, General Manager at GasanMamo Insurance. “On a general note, we are also celebrating the Malta Rugby Football Union’s determination and the vibrancy with which it has been gaining fast international recognition by committing ourselves as a sponsor for three years.”

MRFU President Thanks GasanMamo

MRFU President, Brian Dalton thanks GasanMamo Insurance for their support. “The Malta Rugby Football Union (MRFU) is fast growing and developing into a winning brand as can be seen from the results it has been achieving, both locally and internationally. Naturally this growth is also attributed to the support that companies like GasanMamo Insurance give to the Union. We are grateful for the support and the strong relationship we have with GasanMamo Insurance and look forward to an even greater collaboration in the future.”