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Published on the 22nd April 2016

GasanMamo Support Autism Parents Association

Reading Time: 3 min read

GasanMamo Support Autism Parents Association

GasanMamo Insurance loves to lend a helping-hand in raising awareness of the issues that undercut the community. As part of World Autism Awareness Day and in support of the Autism Parents Association (APA), GasanMamo employees took part in a dress down-day on 4th April 2016. Employees were encouraged to dress-down and wear something in blue, collect donations, take photos and show their solidarity by posting their photos on social media under the #AutismDay2016.

What is Autism?

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have difficulty interpreting the world around them. Our brains make sense of the things we see, hear, smell, taste, touch and experience. A child with ASD has trouble making sense of these things because their brains have developed differently, and this can make it really difficult for them to talk, listen, understand and play.

The Autism Parents Association

Founded in 2008 by parents of children diagnosed with ASD, the APA is a non-governmental organisation intended to assist families with children affected by autism, and to raise consciousness throughout the local community. “Autism in Malta is on the increase” said Sandra Borg, Founder and Honorary Member of the APA. “GasanMamo’s support will surely help us voice-out louder the needs of these children in our fast moving society and at the same time show solidarity towards parents and their families”.

GasanMamo supports World Autism Day

“GasanMamo is pleased to stand in solidarity with the families of autistic children” said Julian Mamo, Managing Director at GasanMamo. “Our employees recognise the important work that the APA is doing to create understanding and acceptance of autism in our community. Participating in World Autism Awareness Day is a way to build a more inclusive society.”

World Autism Awareness Day falls under the broader “Respect, Acceptance, Inclusion” campaign, orchestrated by Autism Europe – an international association advancing the rights of people with autism and their families. Numerous activities took place around the world, including the lighting-up of famous monuments in the colour blue, this included the Maltese Parliament.

About GasanMamo Insurance

Able to trace its roots all the way back to 1947, GasanMamo Insurance is one of the leading insurance companies in Malta providing competitively priced and a different range of insurance cover types both offline and online. The insurance cover is various, including vehicle insurance, travel insurance, business insurance and private and family health insurance for both personal and commercial clients through the Maltese Islands. The company recognises the importance of customer value and ensures that it maximizes value by keeping insurance premiums as low as possible, yet maintaining the correct balance to provide service that meets the standards set by the company. The company’s slogan or motto, We’re Always There is something everyone abides to. The GasanMamo website offers comprehensive information to every customer and is easy to navigate so customers can get the support they need, when they need it most. Corporate Social Responsibility makes a big part of how GasanMamo Insurance goes about business. The company believes that giving back to people and communities is their duty and serves to enrich lives across the board.