Malta’s leading insurance company, GasanMamo organised an open day on Saturday the 21st October at their branch, at the PAMA Shopping Village in Mosta. Thanks to the opening of this eleventh branch in one of Malta’s largest shopping villages, GasanMamo has managed to extend its network making it even more convenient for clients.
To celebrate this day, the branch was giving away various freebies to everyone present at the shopping village. During this open day, the staff at GasanMamo’s branch had the opportunity to explain the array of products available.
“Our objective remains that of placing the customer at the very centre of what we do, and we strongly think that customer experience is an important element for having a distinguished brand. Our commitment remains that of keeping our customer always in mind and making the quality of our products and service our highest priority.”, said Mark Mamo, General Manager.
GasanMamo has a total of eleven branches plus head office in Gzira, hence the only insurance company to have such an extensive network on the Maltese Islands.