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Published on the 5th August 2016

Our Employees: Meet Mario Xuereb.

Reading Time: 4 min read

Our Employees: Meet Mario Xuereb.

Mario Xuereb, Deputy Manager – Broker Support and Development in the Commercial Underwriting Department at GasanMamo Insurance has been working with GasanMamo for nearly 10 years. We asked him some questions so that we can get to know him better, here are his replies

Q: If I had to ask you, who is Mario Xuereb, how can you sum that up?

A: I am a motivated individual who is stimulated by challenge and is always interested to learn more so as to be a better person, both professionally and also on a social level. I am interested in a variety of things, and hold a passion for animals, in fact I have three dogs as pets, keeping fit, travel and all form of arts. I believe that I am a well-balanced person, who can be both funny and serious when necessary

Q: Glass half empty or half full?

A: Half full

Q: One thing that comes to mind if I had to ask you what a great year it’s been for you?

A: 2016 had my first art exhibition

Q: What does your hobby give you? How does it pay off?

A: Painting, gym and travelling are my hobbies. They relax me and a good way to release steam and unwind.

Q: How much time do you invest in it and is it worth it?

A: Whenever I find the time, but I try to keep it to at least a couple of hours weekly.

Q: Anyone in your family that shares your same passion?

A: Yes

Q: How would your life be different if you could not do what you love?

A: I believe that would be quite demoralizing and it would affect my level of happiness.

Q: Any interesting things related to your life passion? For e.g. I also met my wife whilst we were playing tennis, or all the family attends to tennis classes together etc.

A: Nothing particular

Q: How did you start painting, photography etc.?

A: Since a kid I was always interested in the subject.

Q: What is your life ambition? Is it related to your life passion or other?

A: That’s a hard question, as there are several, and are all related to different spheres of my life, both professionally and personally.

Q: What did working in the insurance business teach you?

A: Definitely being more meticulous and keeping up deadlines.

Q: Is there anything you are afraid of?

A: This might sound strange, but nothing particular. I must admit though that I am not too fond of heights.

Q: If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?

A: Probably, I would set up a small coffee shop or B & B and run it together with my husband.

Q: Favourite quote?

A: Live the moment.

Q: Select one person from history and have them truthfully answer one question, who would you select and what is the question?

A: That’s a hard one again, but if I had this option I would actually pick two people Muhammed and Jesus Christ. I would ask them whether they are happy with how their extremist followers interpret their teachings. I’m sure that in either case both would condemn their radical acts.

Q: Ugly and live forever, or attractive and die in a year?

A: None, I would just live the way I am for however long I am to stay on this planet

Q: If you could have anyone locked in a room so that you could mentor them for a day, whom would you choose and how would you mentor them?

A: Probably one of my nieces, and I would just to pass on the message of respecting people of all kind of race, belief and lifestyle and the respect for the environment.

Q: If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do?

A: Probably in the body of one of my dogs simply to see the world from their perspective for a day. I guess that would be fun

Q: If you had a chance for a ‘do-over’ in life, what would you do differently?

A: Nothing really, I think all the good things and bad things that happened in my life, ultimately made me who I am today and I must say I am happy with myself being the person who I am.