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Published on the 22nd August 2016

Our Employees: Meet Andre Curmi

Reading Time: 3 min read

Our Employees: Meet Andre Curmi

Andre’ Curmi has been working as an Assistant Underwriter in the Motor Underwriting Department at GasanMamo Insurance for almost 4 years and is a very determined chap at the age of 26 years. We asked Andre’ some questions to get to know him a bit better and this is what he had to say.

Q: If I had to ask you, who is Andre` Curmi, how can you sum that up?

A: A determined person, ready to fight for what he wants.

Q: Glass half-empty or half full?

A: Half full.

Q: One thing that comes to mind if I had to ask you what a great year it has been for you?

A: London – Musical Workshops.

Q: What does your hobby give you? How does it pay off?

A: My hobby, singing, gives me relaxation & satisfaction. It pays off when I achieve exams & when I do great in a festival (competition).

Q: How much time do you invest in it and is it worth it?

A: I rehearse 2 hours every day & I think it`s worth it because my character gets stronger.

Q: Anyone in your family that shares your same passion?

A: No one.

Q: How would your life be different if you could not do what you love?

A: I will be more stressed.

Q: Any interesting things related to your life passion?

A: I got to know more people and made new friends.

Q: How did you start painting, photography playing rugby etc?

A: I started watching the Eurovision at a very young age and from there I fell in love with Music.

Q: What is your life ambition? Is it related to your life passion or other?

A: My life ambition is that one day I will be able to teach young children how to sing.

Q: What did working in the insurance business teach you?

A: How to control myself, be more assertive. more responsible and organized.

Q: Is there anything you are afraid of?

A: I have a phobia of peas.

Q: If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?

A: Go and explore the world.

Q: Favourite quote?

A: Believe… Achieve… (Never give up on your dreams).

Q: Select one person from history and have them truthfully answer one question, who would you select and what is the question?

A: I would choose Madre Teresa and I would ask her why she chose to live a poor life and dedicate her life to help poor people.

Q: Ugly and live-forever, or attractive and die in a year?

A: Ugly and live-forever.

Q: If you could have anyone locked in a room so that you could mentor them for a day, whom would you choose ad how would you mentor them?

A: I will definitely choose my nephew and nice and will teach them how to sing.

Q: If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do?

A: I would choose my idol Ronan Keating and would live his life (both of as a singer and his personal life) as to see how singers manage to live their lives.

Q: If you had a chance for a ‘do-over’ in life, what would you do differently?

A: I would start singing lessons from a younger age.