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Published on the 4th August 2015

Pioneering insurance company, GasanMamo Insurance celebrate success

Reading Time: 3 min read

As part of their on-going activities to enhance their employee’s experience and achievement at the work place, GasanMamo Insurance, one of the leading insuring companies in Malta recently organised a fun filled day for all staff members on July 18th at the Xara Lodge. The GasanMamo Day consisted of several activities amongst others, the communication of company information to staff, the recognition of long service of a number of employees and a motivational talk by Nathan Farrugia, an expert in leadership development, business coaching, mentoring and public speaking. The theme was Celebrating Insurance Company Success.

Meeting JUGS Malta Specialists

In the afternoon, the employees were met by a team of specialists from JUGS Malta, who conducted a series of team building activities that were fun, entertaining and most of all resulted in a fruitful experience for all who attended. Many of the activities, including the Totem pole, where the different teams had to slowly coordinate together to build a totem pole and XL puzzles, whereby they had to solve a mind boggling puzzle in the least possible time, amongst others were designed to enhance effective communication and leadership and all focused on a common goal.

Multilateral Objective

“The objective for the GasanMamo Day was multilateral – to communicate information regarding the company to employees, to create a sense of belonging and to motivate and foster a sense of unity through these team building games,” said Vanessa Portelli; General Manager at GasanMamo Insurance. “We believe that through such activities, staff members are encouraged to retain their passion and enthusiasm as well as improve teamwork and increase group effectiveness.”

The Winners

The winning team, named the GasanMamo Achievers was made up of Claudia Buttigieg, Jessica Conti, Malcolm Falzon, Maria Aquilina, Mario Farrugia, Mark Mamo, Rachel Camilleri, Samuel Zammit and Simon Borg.

About GasanMamo Insurance

Able to trace its roots all the way back to 1947, GasanMamo Insurance is one of Malta’s leading insurance companies providing competitively priced and a different range of insurance cover types, from car insurance and boat insurance to home insurance and health insurance for both personal and commercial clients through the Maltese Islands. The company recognises the importance of customer value and ensures that it maximizes value by keeping premiums as low as possible, yet maintaining the correct balance to provide service that meets the standards set by the company. The company’s slogan or motto, We’re Always There is something everyone abides to. The GasanMamo website offers comprehensive information to every customer and is easy to navigate so customers can get the support they need, when they need it most.