Published on the 1st March 2019
The Importance Of Protecting Your Home Against The Unexpected
Reading Time: 4 min read

The mega-storm that hit Malta over the past days caused major damage in various parts of the islands. According to various reports, the trail of destruction of Sunday’s storm, is likely to cost several millions of euros in damages. As anticipated, GasanMamo Insurance had a considerable number of claims by those whose property suffered damage.
No doubt, that the strong winds and heavy rain, coupled with the rough seas, which were experienced at the end of last week, brought to light once more the importance of having a home insurance, as potential damage to one’s home can disrupt financial plans, leaving one devastated. We all know that a massive storm can damage or destroy your buildings and contents, leaving you with a potentially hefty bill and in a very traumatic state. Theft can deprive you of your most valued possessions, including items of sentimental value, leaving feeling angry and helpless. Home insurance alleviates the pain and frustration during these difficult moments by offering peace of mind that the financial impact is reduced, and you find support at a time where help is most needed.
“Under a Home Insurance Policy, you can insure several selected personal possessions such as jewellery and electronics on an All Risks basis. This is the widest cover available and covers your possessions for accidental loss or damage anywhere around the Maltese Islands Policies are also extended overseas in the event of short holiday or business trips,” said Julian J. Mamo, GasanMamo’s Managing Director.
A Home Insurance policy is a package policy providing a comprehensive cover. It includes a cover for loss or damage following fire, explosion, lightning, thunderbolt, earthquake, theft, riot, civil commotion, vandalism and acts of malicious persons, storm or flood. It also covers for accidental damage to both buildings and contents and covers your legal liability towards third parties as the owner/occupier of your buildings. Furthermore, Home Insurance will provide you with the protection and peace of mind you require to safeguard what is most likely your largest single investment – your home.
L-importanza li tipproteġi d-dar tiegħek minn kulma jista’ jinqala’
Il-maltempata kbira li laqgħtet lil Malta dan l-aħħar ikkawżat ħsara kbira f’diversi partijiet tal-gżejjer. Skont diversi rapporti, id-danni tal-maltempata tal-Ħadd, x’aktarx se jiswew bosta miljuni ta’ ewro. Kif kien mistenni, GasanMamo Insurance kellu numru konsiderevoli ta’ talbiet minn persuni li ġarrbu ħsarat fil-proprjetà tagħhom.
Bla ebda dubju, ir-riħ u x-xita qawwija, flimkien mal-baħar qalil, li ħakmuna fl-aħħar tal-ġimgħa li għaddiet, urew għal darb’oħra l-importanza li d-dar tiegħek tkun protetta b’assigurazzjoni tad-djar, minħabba li ħsara mhux mistennija tista’ tfixkel il-pjanijiet finanzjarji , u tħallik devastat. Aħna lkoll nafu li maltempata kbira tista’ tagħmel ħsara jew teqred il-bini u l-kontenut tiegħek, u tħallik b’danni finanzjarji kbar li jistgħu jkunu trawmatiċi ħafna. Is-serq jista’ jċaħħdek mill-affarijiet l-aktar ta’ valur, inklużi oġġetti ta’ valur sentimentali, u jħallik irrabjat u frustrat għax ma tista’ tagħmel xejn. L-assigurazzjoni tad-dar ittaffi ftit mill-uġigħ u l-frustrazzjoni matul dawn il-mumenti diffiċli billi toffri serħan il-moħħ li l-impatt finanzjarju jista’ jiġi mnaqqas u ssib appoġġ fi żmien fejn l-għajnuna hija l-aktar meħtieġa.
“Taħt polza tal-Assigurazzjoni tad-Dar, tista’ tipproteġi diversi affarijiet personali li tagħżel int, bħal ġojjelli u elettronika taħt il-polza All Risks. Din hija l-ikbar protezzjoni disponibbli u tkopri l-affarijiet tiegħek għal telf jew ħsara aċċidentali kullimkien madwar il-Gżejjer Maltin. Din il-polza tista’ tiġi estiża wkoll barra mill-pajjiż fil-każ ta’ btala jew vjaġġi qosra,” qal Julian J. Mamo, id-Direttur Maniġerjali ta’ GasanMamo.
Polza tal-Assigurazzjoni tad-Djar tipprovdi kopertura komprensiva. Din tinkludi protezzjoni għal telf jew ħsara minn nirien, splużjonijiet, sajjetti, beraq, terremoti, serq, irvell, aġitazzjoni ċivili, vandaliżmu u atti ta’ persuni malizzjużi, maltempati jew għargħar. Tkopri wkoll ħsara aċċidentali kemm għall-bini kif ukoll għall-kontenut u tkopri r-responsabbiltà legali tiegħek lejn terzi persuni bħala s-sid / okkupant tal-bini tiegħek. Barra minn hekk, l-Assigurazzjoni tad-Dar tagħtik il-protezzjoni u s-serħan il-moħħ li teħtieġ biex tissalvagwardja dak li x’aktarx huwa l-akbar u l-uniku investiment li għandek – d-dar tieghek.