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On Saturday, 29th March 2025, our Motor Department (Gżira) will be open from 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Other branches: 9 AM – 1 PM (Mosta: opening also 1:30 PM – 6 PM). Mrieħel open from 9AM – 12PM. Valletta closed.  Thank you 

Published on the 11th May 2020

Steps To Follow When Visiting Our Branches

Reading Time: 3 min read

Steps To Follow When Visiting Our Branches

Segwi Dawn L-Istruzzjonijiet Meta Żżur L-Uffiċini Tagħna

Il-prijorità tagħna hi li nipproteġu s-saħħa tal-klijenti u tal-impjegati tagħna.  Jekk għandek bżonn iżżur l-uffiċċini tagħna, nitolbuk sabiex:

  • Tistenna fil-kju barra l-bini tagħna, billi żżomm 2 metri ‘l bogħod minn ħaddieħor.
  • Tirrispetta n-numru massimu ta’ viżitaturi f’dan l-uffiċċju fi kwalunkwe ħin.
  • Id-dħul fl-uffiċċju huwa suġġett li l-viżitaturi jkunu lebsin maskri jew viżiera tal-wiċċ il-ħin kollu.  Jista’ jagħti l-każ li għas-sigurtà tiegħek u tagħna, aħna nitolbuk biex tneħħi temporanjament il-maskra qabel tidħol  biex nivverifikaw l-identità tiegħek.  Dan ma japplikax għal dawk li jkunu lebsin il-viżiera tal-wiċċ.
  • Il-viżitaturi kollha huma ġentilment mitluba jagħmlu użu mis-sanitizer tal-idejn ipprovdut meta jidħlu u joħorġu mill-uffiċċju tagħna.
  • Ġentilment nitolbukom iżżommu distanza soċjali ta’ 2 metri ‘l bogħod f’’kull ħin.

Inħeġġukom tagħmlu użu mis-servizzi tagħna onlajn minn fuq il-websajt tagħna

Jekk għandek bżonn xi għajnuna jew tixtieq xi servizz ieħor, tista’ tibgħat imejl fuq [email protected] u/jew iċċempel fuq +356 2349 0000 / 2778 9000 (Mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa 8am–5pm).


Safeguard the Health & Well being of our Customers

Steps To Follow When Visiting Our Branches

Our top priority is to safeguard the health and well-being of our customers and staff members.  If you need to visit one of our Branches, we ask you to follow these guidelines:

  • To wait in the queue outside, always respecting the 2-metre distance from each other.
  • To respect the maximum capacity inside our premises at any one time.
  • Entrance into the office is subject to visitors wearing a face mask or face visor at all times.  However, there might be instances where we will ask you to remove your mask temporarily upon entering our branch/office to verify your identity.  This is not applicable if you wear a transparent visor/face shield
  • All visitors need to make use of the provided hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting our premises.
  • To keep a minimum distance of 2 metres from others, at all times.

We encourage you to make use of our online services available on our website

If you require any further assistance please send us an email on [email protected] and/or call u on +356 2349 0000 / 2778 9000 (Monday to Friday 8am–5pm)


*GasanMamo Insurance Limited is authorised under the Insurance Business Act and regulated by the MFSA


Safeguard the healthMaximum DistanceFace MaskHand SanitizersSafeguard the health - FaceMaskSafe distance measures