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Published on the 18th May 2017

GasanMamo Insurance supports ‘Muxu’s’ lifetime dream

Reading Time: 3 min read

GasanMamo Insurance supports ‘Muxu’s’ lifetime dream

Long term world travel seems to be one of those things everyone says they want to do but never actually end up doing.  One of Malta’s popular song writers, Matthew Mercieca, known as ‘Muxu’, has always been captivated by the beauty of the world and thanks to sponsors like GasanMamo Insurance he is now travelling around the world and living his lifetime dream.

‘Muxu’ had this dream at the back of his mind for over 10 years but he admits that he had never the courage and funds to do this. He recalls the day when he was at work, writing the lyrics of one his songs and realising that his life had become so much of a routine and repetitive.

“I had almost become a robot, from my work to my character to the way I would react to things. I was always the free spirit guy who loved life, and I found myself never appreciating things that I should have been appreciating. All this helped me to take the big decision, understanding that I should live my life the way I want. I was petrified that I am going to wake up one day, look back and regret not taking the decision to travel around the world,” said ‘Muxu’.

The songwriter of multiple number one singles and winner of many awards admits that leaving his family, friends and his dogs, and having to take a break from a job he loves so much, was one of the hardest decisions he had to take, so far in his life. Today, as he is living this dream, he has no regrets and almost one month into the journey, he feels more alive than he has felt in the past years of his life.

“During my time away, every day I learn so many things, I am seeing so many things that for a while I had believed I would never see and meeting so many different people from all over the world with such different beliefs and learning from them all. I always felt that I could never settle down and give my 100% until I got this out of my system. And every day I feel like I am becoming the best version of myself,” added ‘Muxu’.

For some songwriters like ‘Muxu’, it can be challenging to come up with unforgettable melodies and think of creative lyrics when writing a song but this adventure is helping him to achieve results. “The songs I’m writing feel more real, the emotions have been duplicated and I feel like I am living over just existing. I wake up every day excited to see what’s coming next and can’t wait to continue seeing what a beautiful world we live in,” said the young Maltese songwriter.

‘Muxu’ had words of praise for GasanMamo Insurance who are supporting his dream, saying that all this wouldn’t have been possible without their sponsorship. “Thanks to GasanMamo’s assistance, I can appreciate more that life is a wonderful gift, and that traveling is an amazingly underrated investment in yourself,” said ‘Muxu’.