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Published on the 18th July 2016

Team-building in Sicily

Reading Time: 2 min read

Team-building in Sicily

A group of GasanMamo employees together with their families and friends, have recently returned from a culinary tour to Sicily, as part of a team-building activity. The trip gave the employees the opportunity to get to know each other in an informal setting, whilst also enjoying some leisure time in this charming country, sipping fruity indigenous wines and indulging in delightful Sicilian cuisine.

The One-Day Tour

The journey started off with visits to an Olive Oil Tasting Centre, where GasanMamo employees also bought unique traditional products. The trip also included visits to the Sagra Museum, the Instrument Museum, the war Museum and an Olive Oil Production Museum in Chiaramonte Gulfi. For lunch the team headed off to a traditional Sicilian Restaurant, then proceeded off to the Centro Commerciale for some shopping and finishing in the town of Pozzallo.

“It was such a pleasant break and a great opportunity to get to know each other in an informal environment,” said one of the employees. “I really enjoyed everyone’s company and was very delighted to have spent such a great day together with the group.”

About GasanMamo Insurance

Able to trace its roots all the way back to 1947, GasanMamo Insurance is one of Malta’s leading insurance companies providing competitively priced and a different range of insurance cover types, from car insurance and boat insurance to home insurance and health insurance for both personal and commercial clients through the Maltese Islands. The company recognises the importance of customer value and ensures that it maximizes value by keeping premiums as low as possible, yet maintaining the correct balance to provide service that meets the standards set by the company. Corporate Social Responsibility makes a big part of how GasanMamo Insurance goes about business. The company believes that giving back to people and communities is their duty and serves to enrich lives across the board.