Insuring your classic vehicle
At GasanMamo we pride ourselves in being the leading classic car and motorcycle insurers in Malta, providing protection for hundreds of vintage vehicles.
Our Collectors’ Vehicle policy is designed to provide full protection at a very reasonable premium which takes into consideration the care and attention that the owners pay towards these vehicles.
If you own a classic car or motorcycle, contact us for further information and a premium quotation.

Some terms and conditions
1. Driving is limited to named persons aged 25 years or over
2. Annual mileage limit of 1,000 miles applies
3. Cover is provided on an “agreed value” basis
4. Multi-vehicle cover is provided at reduced cost
1. Your car must be registered as a vintage vehicle with Transport Malta.
2. You need to have at least one other vehicle insured with us
3. The car needs to be in showroom condition and roadworthy
4. If you opt for Comprehensive or Third Party Fire & Theft cover the car will need to be inspected and valued by an expert appointed by us at your cost
For full details on the registration and licensing of classic vehicles please click on the Transport Malta website:
Click here to view important information on our Collectors’ Vehicle policy: