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On Saturday, 29th March 2025, our Motor Department (Gżira) will be open from 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Other branches: 9 AM – 1 PM (Mosta: opening also 1:30 PM – 6 PM). Mrieħel open from 9AM – 12PM. Valletta closed.  Thank you 

Home Insurance FAQ

If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact us.

Home Insurance FAQs

What can be covered under a Home policy?
  • The Buildings
  • The Contents in your home
  • “All Risks” Cover for Personal Possessions
  • Personal Accident cover
  • Third Party Liability
  • Home Worker Business Contents
What is covered under each section and how do I establish an adequate Sum Insured?

Buildings By “Buildings” we mean the actual structure of your house including all fixtures and fittings, interior decorations, aerials and masts, satellite dishes, solar water heaters, photovoltaic systems, water storage tanks, fire and/or burglar alarm and other security systems, domestic air conditioning equipment, outbuildings, garages, greenhouses (all designed and used for domestic purposes only), swimming pools, terraces, patios, driveways, footpaths, walls, gates, hedges and fences and your share of common areas and passenger lift. The value to be insured is the cost of rebuilding the home as new and not its current market value if it is put up for sale. The insured value must neither include the value of the land or site upon which the home is built. Contents This includes all the items in your home such as furniture, furnishings, carpets, floor coverings, household appliances and equipment, linen, cooking utensils and provisions, collections, toys, garage equipment, garden equipment, radios, hi-fi equipment, home computers, frozen foods and provisions, sports equipment, pedal cycles, furs, jewellery, watches, cameras and other valuables. The basis of cover under this section is on a New for Old basis and the sum insured must therefore represent the cost of replacing all the contents of your household as new. The following items are not considered as household goods and are excluded: motor vehicles, trailers, caravans, surfboards, sailboards, boats or aircraft of any kind, living creatures, trees, bushes or plants of any kind, interior decorations and any property owned or used for business purposes.

What is “All Risks” Cover For Personal Possessions?

Items insured under this section are covered whilst temporarily removed to anywhere within the Maltese Islands on an “All Risks” basis. This cover is recommended for items that are taken regularly out of your home such as Jewellery, Articles of Gold, Silver or Other Precious Metals, Watches, and other adornments. It is also recommended for items of particular value such as Works Of Art, Stamp, Coin or Medal Collection, Pictures and Paintings. Moreover extensions may be obtained to extend the cover to Europe or Worldwide.

Why do I need “Personal Accident” cover?
  • This section provides cover against bodily injury or death caused by violent, accidental, external and visible means to any person insured whilst anywhere in the Maltese Islands or on holiday/business anywhere in Europe for visits up to 15 consecutive days. The benefits are as follows:
  • Death €12,000
  • Permanent Disability €12,000
  • Temporary Disablement €115 per week up to maximum 104 weeks
  • Medical Expenses €600

Remember that your National Insurance(NI) covers only up to 15 days sick leave at full pay, and an additional 15 days at half-pay.

What are the risks covered under the Buildings and Contents Section?

A Home policy has a “specified perils” wording. This means that the risks that you are covered against are listed one-by-one. The simple rule to follow is that if it is not listed than it is likely that you are not insured. Please view the Summary of Cover on our website which outlines a brief summary of the cover provided by our policy. However you can also opt to upgrade the cover under your Buildings and/or Contents sections to an Accidental Damage basis.

If I am found responsible to pay for damages caused to third parties, will I be covered by the policy?

Yes it is. As a homeowner or a tenant you have certain responsibilities at law. If, for example, your neighbour’s house or a car parked in front of your home, is damaged as a result of an accident that was caused through a negligent act or omission on your part, you will be responsible to compensate them for such damage. The policy protects you against this risk. Third Party Liability is automatically covered under the policy as follows: If you have insured your Buildings only: As owner If you have insured your Contents: As occupier Personal Liability: As a Tenant The maximum amount payable under this section is €1,200,000.

Do you offer any discounts?

The following are the various discounts that we offer and that range up to a maximum of 30%

If you have a comprehensive or third party fire and theft motor policy with us: 10%
Senior Citizens Discount – if you or your spouse are over 61 years of age: 10%
Mature Policyholders Discount – If you or your spouse are between 50 – 60 years of age 7.5%
If you have an Intruder Alarm installed: 10%
Does my premium increase if I have a claim?

No. Home insurance is different from Motor insurance and No Claims Discount does not apply.

Does a theft need to be accompanied by forcible &/or violent entry/exit?

The policy does not contain any such limitation and cover for theft will operate irrespective if there was any forcible &/or violent entry/exit to your home.

Is there an excess in my Home Policy?

Yes, some sections do have an excess and normally this amounts to €35.

Can I insure my house if it is still under construction?

We can provide cover for a home which is still being constructed. The cover will include also temporary erections and the fixed materials on site.

Will I be covered if my house is unoccupied?

The policy cover operates in full if the house is left unoccupied for a maximum period of 90 consecutive days in any one period of insurance. After 90 days the cover in respect of Buildings and Contents will automatically exclude the following: • Oil leaking from any fixed heating installation, pipes or apparatus. • Loss or damage to valuables and money • Liability resulting from fraudulent use of credit, debit, charge or cash cards.

Do I have to list all the items that are to be insured?

No, it is not necessary to list all items. In certain cases it may be necessary to list valuables that are worth more than €2,500, but this depends on the sum to be insured on contents.

Will it be necessary to install an alarm system?

Depending on the value of the contents and the location of your home we may make some recommendations to improve the security of your home, such as installing an alarm system or fitting security locks. These are not mandatory in the majority of cases.

Can I just insure for part of the value of my contents?

No, you must insure for the full value of your contents and of your building. If you under-insure, any claim you make will be reduced by the proportion you under-insure. For example, if your contents are valued at €30,000 and you insure them for €20,000 (i.e. you under-insure by 33%) and then make a claim for €2,500 you will only be entitled to receive €825.

If I drop something will it be covered?

Yes if that item is insured under the “All Risks” section.

My neighbour is carrying out some building works, am I covered if he damages my property as a result?

Your home policy would protect you if damage to your home or its contents is caused by an insured peril such as fire, explosion or impact even if this was caused as a result of the works that your neighbour is carrying out. If however the damage is not caused by an insured peril, such as cracks appearing on your walls, then your remedy is to seek compensation from your neighbour or the building contractor.

You can opt to upgrade the cover under your Buildings section on an Accidental Damage basis. However loss or damage caused by movement, settlement or shrinkage in any part of your buildings; movement of the land belonging to your building and demolition or structural repair to your home or damage caused by any of them will be excluded.

Do you offer free Emergency Home Support?

Yes as long as you have Buildings insured under your policy. The service is operative on a 24/7 basis and will provide immediate and emergency assistance to cover sudden and unforeseen events requiring emergency repairs subject to the policy terms and conditions.