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On Saturday, 29th March 2025, our Motor Department (Gżira) will be open from 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Other branches: 9 AM – 1 PM (Mosta: opening also 1:30 PM – 6 PM). Mrieħel open from 9AM – 12PM. Valletta closed.  Thank you 

Travel Insurance FAQ

If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact us.

Travel Insurance FAQs

Does the travel policy provide cover for Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Yes, the Travel Insurance products offer automatic cover for COVID-19.  The Covid-19 cover is in respect of cancellation charges incurred prior to your trip; accommodation travel and accommodation expenses and emergency medical and associated expenses in the event that you contract Covid-19 whilst on a trip. For more detailed FAQs relating to the COVID-19 cover, click here

Am I covered for cash?

Yes, the policy provides limited cover for cash. Remember to retain any receipts for the purchase of foreign currency since these will be necessary to make a claim. We recommend that only a minimal amount of cash is carried, it is safer to use travellers cheques or credit cards.

What is the limitation on the medical cover provided?

The travel policy is designed to offer protection against unexpected injuries and illnesses that occur when you are abroad. This means that it cannot cover any pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma or other chronic illnesses. Insured Persons are asked to sign a “health warranty” where they are requested to confirm that any Insured Person or persons with whom the Insured has arranged to stay was not receiving or awaiting medical or surgical treatment at time of effecting insurance or suffering a serious or chronic illness and/or injury which required consultation or treatment within the past 12 months. If you travelling with the intention of receiving medical treatment it is best to reveal this fact to your insurer when purchasing the policy so that you can be fully aware of the protection that you will have.

Are sports activities covered?

Yes, most sporting activities that arise during a typical holiday are covered. There are some however that are excluded, these are; winter sports (e.g. skiing), mountaineering, rock-climbing, subaqua diving, pot-holing, bungee-jumping, jet-skiing and organised team football. If you are travelling with a group in order to participate in an organised activity, such as a training camp or a tournament, travel insurance is best organised by means of a group policy so that the specific events may be covered.

When does insurance cover start?

Cover starts from the time you purchase the policy. This means that if you must cancel or postpone the trip you will be covered for any non-refundable deposits made. The reason for which you postpone or cancel the trip must be one that is covered by the policy. Please see the Cancellation & Curtailment Section of the Policy, where you can review the cover provided. It is therefore advisable to issue a travel insurance policy once your holiday and/or business trip has been booked.

What is the European Health Insurance Card?

The European Health Insurance Card (EHI) replaced the previous E111 form. This card acts as a document of proof that you are entitled to free or reduced cost emergency medical treatment within the European Economic Area (EEA). This area covers member states of the EU. By carrying this form in the case of a medical emergency, you are entitled to the same treatment as natural citizens.

Am I entitled to one?

As a resident within a country of the European Economic Area (EEA) you are entitled to this card. Applications to obtain this card are to be made with the local health authorities. You can apply online at Health & Community Care

Do I still need to issue a Travel Insurance if I have this card?

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is NOT a substitute for travel insurance and should not be considered a cheap alternative. A European Health Insurance Card will only cover you in an emergency medical situation (and will exclude cover for other circumstances such as loss of baggage, personal belongings, and money, cancellation or curtailment of the trip, and costs for missed or delayed departure) and is only valid in EEA countries.

Furthermore do not assume that the government provided health care when travelling is the same as in Malta. It may not be as extensive or meet the exact levels you are used to within Malta. To provide the best level of cover always take out your own travel insurance policy as well.

Can I be covered for Cancellation of Service following adverse weather conditions and other natural disasters?

The policy provides cover, at an additional premium, for payment of reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses necessarily incurred due to the forced extension of your journey and refund of your non-recoverable deposits and other pre-paid travel and accommodation charges if the service provided by the ship or aircraft in which you are booked to travel is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions and other natural disasters.

Can I pay an additional premium to have my standard policy excess waived?

You may opt to waive the policy excess against payment of an additional premium. If this option is chosen, any claims will be paid without the deduction of the standard policy excess.

Can I increase the limits for Personal Accident cover?

You have the option to increase the standard policy limit to €80,000 and €105,000 under the ‘Standard’ and ‘Executive’ cover respectively against payment of an additional premium.

Am I covered by my policy if I am sued in a country outside Malta?

The travel policy includes a Personal Liability section which provides indemnity against legal liability for accidental injury to third parties or for damage to their property. The limit of indemnity under this section is €1,250,000.

The Travel Policy includes an extended Jurisdiction Clause that will provide cover for judgments, orders or awards that are delivered by or obtained from a court within the territory where the incident occurred subject to the Territorial Limits shown in the policy schedule.

What is the maximum period I can be covered for under a travel policy?

A travel policy may be issued for a maximum period of 9 months and the trip must start and end in Malta.

What happens if my pet needs veterinary treatment whilst I am abroad?

We offer cover for in-patient veterinary treatment if your cat or dog suffers an injury in Malta whilst you are on your trip.

Am I covered if my golf equipment is lost or stolen?

Yes, the policy provides cover for lost, stolen or damaged golf equipment (not including clothing). In addition, if your equipment is temporarily lost for longer than 12 hours on the outward journey we will also cover you for hiring replacement golf equipment.

Are valuables covered?

Yes, valuables are covered as part of the Baggage, subject to limits which are noted in the policy. The latter need to be kept in the hand luggage whilst in transit.

What will I be covered for if I go on a skiing holiday?

If you are going on a skiing holiday it is advisable to choose to pay the additional premium in order to be covered for the following:

  • Emergency Medical and Associated Expenses
  • Winter Sports Equipment – The policy provides cover for lost, stolen or damaged winter sports equipment you own or hire.
  • Piste Closure – The policy provides cover if all pistes at the resort you have booked are closed because of lack of snow, excessive snow or high winds.
  • Ski Pack – The policy will cover you for the cost of non-refundable ski pack if due to illness or injury you are medically certified as being unable to ski or board.
Does your policy include an emergency service?

Yes, the travel insurance policy includes a 24-hour worldwide emergency service. If you suffer serious injury or illness whilst abroad, experienced assistance coordinators will, where necessary, contact hospitals and guarantee medical fees.

What should I do in the event of a claim?

You must contact us with full details in writing as soon as possible, but not later than seven (7) days following your arrival in Malta, after any bodily injury, illness, incident or unemployment or on the discovery of any loss or damage. Claims under section E – Cancellation and Curtailment must be notified to us immediately you become aware of any reason why the holiday or journey may be cancelled or curtailed. You must also inform us immediately if you know of any legal action against you. Any letter or document which relates to a claim must be sent to us straight away.

What should I do if my baggage is lost or damaged?

If baggage is lost or damaged by an airline you must:

(a) Obtain a Property Irregularity Report detailing also the list of items missing and/or damaged;

(b) Write to the airline and tell them of the loss, within the time limit set out in their conditions of carriage, and keep a copy for yourself;

(c) Keep all damaged items and all travel tickets and tags as they will be needed if you make a claim under this Policy.

Do you offer Annual Travel Insurance cover?

We offer an Annual Travel Insurance policy which caters for the needs of the frequent traveller. The policy is annual policy issued for a twelve’ months period and is available for single or multiple persons. This policy is competitively priced and offers the frequent traveller the convenience of having one policy covering all trips over a twelve-month period without the need to declare the trips since these would be automatically covered.