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On Saturday, 29th March 2025, our Motor Department (Gżira) will be open from 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Other branches: 9 AM – 1 PM (Mosta: opening also 1:30 PM – 6 PM). Mrieħel open from 9AM – 12PM. Valletta closed.  Thank you 

Travel Insurance COVID-19 FAQ

If you have a question that is not answered below, please contact us.

Travel Insurance COVID-19 FAQs

Does the policy provide cover for COVID-19?

The GasanMamo travel insurance products provide automatic cover for expenses related to COVID-19 such as:

  • Cancellation charges incurred prior to your trip
  • Additional travel and accommodation expenses
  • Additional travel expenses which are necessary to make your return trip home
  • Emergency medical and associated expenses in the event that you contract COVID-19 whilst on your trip.
Is the COVID-19 cover available under an annual travel policy?

The COVID-19 cover is available automatically for all GasanMamo’s travel products – Single Trips and Annual Travel.

Is the COVID-19 cover available if I am travelling outside Europe?

The COVID-19 cover is available for trips anywhere in the world.

Can I get the COVID-19 cover as a stand-alone product?

The COVID-19 cover is available automatically under the travel insurance products for a single trip or an annual travel policy. You therefore cannot purchase the COVID-19 cover extension as a stand-alone product.

If Malta or the country I am visiting are put into lockdown, or there is a travel ban, can I claim under the policy?

This cover is not available under the policy.

Does my travel insurance policy cover me if I cancel an upcoming trip because I am concerned about COVID-19?

Our travel insurance products will not provide cover if you choose not to travel because of COVID-19 fears or concerns.

If I have to cancel my trip due to COVID-19, will any expenses be covered?

You will be covered for refund of any deposits and any amount you have to pay for unused travel and accommodation if it is necessary for you to cancel your journey or holiday if you or your travelling companion:

  1. are hospitalised for COVID-19 up to 28 days before the start date of your trip or
  2. have tested positive for COVID-19 up to 14 days before your trip and have to be in mandatory quarantine or
  3. show symptoms of COVID-19 at the point of departure and are denied boarding.
What am I covered for if whilst on my trip I am told to stay in quarantine due to COVID-19?

If whilst on your trip, you or your travelling companion are forced to quarantine or self-isolate, you are covered for the reasonable additional charges for accommodation

The policy will also cover you for additional travel expenses which are necessary to get you home if you cannot use your return ticket.

What happens if I am denied boarding because I show symptoms of COVID-19?

If this happens on the outward journey cover will operate under the Cancellation Section whereas if it happens on the return journey cover will operate under the Additional Travel and Accommodation Section. This cover is subject to:

  1. your transport or accommodation provider not reimbursing you or offering alternative dates.
  2. written evidence from your transport provider that boarding has been denied due to COVID-19 infection
  3. a positive COVID-19 test, at your expense, within 24 hours of the denial.
Will I be covered if I am hospitalised abroad due to COVID-19

The COVID-19 cover extension will provide cover for emergency medical treatment including rescue services to take you to hospital in the event that you contract COVID-19 whilst on your trip.

If I die with COVID-19 whilst abroad, will any expenses be covered?

The COVID-19 cover extension will cover the cost of returning your body to your home address in Malta or the cost of burial or cremation in the country abroad where death occurs.

Are there any specific conditions pertaining to the COVID-19 cover?

Claims under Section H – COVID-19 Cover, are subject to the express warranty that at the time of issuing the policy, all persons insured under the policy, or any travelling companion are:

  • NOT currently in quarantine or self-isolation due to COVID-19.
  • NOT currently positive to COVID-19.
  • NOT suffering from any symptoms which can be related to COVID-19.
  • NOT awaiting a COVID-19 test result.

For the purpose of this cover, COVID-19 shall mean the virus officially known as ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)’ and/or any related illness including ‘COVID-19’ (previously known as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’) disease and/or any mutant derivatives or variations thereof however caused.

What should I do if I contract COVID-19 whilst I am abroad?

We offer a 24-hour worldwide medical assistance emergency service operated by Colllinson Medical Assistance.  The cost of the Collinson Medical Assistance emergency service is paid by us.

Collinson Medical Assistance emergency service must be notified immediately of an illness or injury which requires you to go into hospital, as an in-patient. If this is not possible because the condition is serious then contact must be made as soon as possible after you are hospitalised.

Immediate contact should be made with Collinson Medical Assistance emergency service before arrangements are made for repatriation. An experienced Assistance Coordinator will deal with your enquiry and will make sure that:

  1. Hospitals are contacted if necessary;
  2. Necessary medical fees are guaranteed;
  3. Medical advisors are consulted;
  4. Repatriation to Malta is arranged, by the most appropriate method, if this is considered to be medically suitable.

Collinson Medical Assistance Emergency Service may be contacted as follows:

UK tel: +44 (0) 207 111 1101 (line open 24/7)

Please quote your policy number and state you are insured by GasanMamo Insurance Ltd.